Huğlu Meslek Yüksekokulu’nda gerçekleşen “Ülkemizin Savunması: Yerli ve Milli Yazılım” başlıklı konferans, Armiya Teknoloji Genel Müdürü Ali İhsan TUĞ’un sunumuyla dolu dolu geçti. Konferansta, yerli ve milli yazılımın ülkemize ve teknoloji dünyasına sağladığı avantajlar detaylı bir şekilde aktarıldı.
At the conference, which was attended by Selçuk University Huğlu Vocational School professors and students and followed with great attention, the importance of domestic written technologies was emphasized and our country's technological developments in the field of defense were highlighted. Ali İhsan TUĞ emphasized the contributions of domestic software to our national security and emphasized the importance of our independence in the field of technology.
Konferansın sonunda, Huğlu Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü Sayın Doç.Dr.Erkan AKGÖZ, Armiya Teknoloji Müdürü Ali İhsan TUĞ’a teşekkürlerini sunarak plaket takdim etti.
We hope that this valuable event will contribute to our country's technological development and achievements in the field of defense.
At the conference, which was attended by Selçuk University Huğlu Vocational School professors and students and followed with great attention, the importance of domestic written technologies was emphasized and our country's technological developments in the field of defense were highlighted. Ali İhsan TUĞ emphasized the contributions of domestic software to our national security and emphasized the importance of our independence in the field of technology.
Konferansın sonunda, Huğlu Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü Sayın Doç.Dr.Erkan AKGÖZ, Armiya Teknoloji Müdürü Ali İhsan TUĞ’a teşekkürlerini sunarak plaket takdim etti.
We hope that this valuable event will contribute to our country's technological development and achievements in the field of defense.